Bristol Wiki
Hospital a

My memories of the children's hospital are of bright, vibrant walls, and symmetrical patterns.  In particular a row of circular windows from which I could look onto the street outside.

Elly Barnett, 2010

Bristol Children's Hospital was the first hospital in the UK to be designed from a child's point of view.

Pioneering hospital care for children in Bristol began in one room in 1866. It later moved to a larger building on St Michael's Hill, where it remained until Bristol Children's Hospital moved to its new home on Upper Maudlin Street in 2001.

The new hospital explores the healing potential of art inside and out. It is family-friendly, has nurses' stations at child height, bright colours on all floors, child friendly wavy lines and individual rooms.  It is a place where children can recover better, in a fun and interesting setting.

12 million of the 30 million pounds needed to create this new state of the art building was raised with help from 'Wallace & Grommit's Grand Appeal'.
